What does it mean to be gender-queer?

Thanks for writing in. Genderqueer is an umbrella term used to describe identities outside the gender binary.

These days, more and more people are describing themselves as genderqueer, nonbinary, or gender non-conforming. These terms mean different things, but they all describe people whose gender identity is something other than woman or man. 

Having my identity affirmed as a trans person has done a lot for my overall health, but it was also an evolution.  I didn’t wake up one day and think ‘I’m trans’ I tried different things on for size. Pronouns, clothing, and noticed what made me feel good. Growing up is all about getting to know who you are, what you like and what you don’t like, and I think we can give ourselves space for that within gender as well. 

If you want to know more about this visit This a great site from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium for accurate information for youth 

So thanks for the question.

Quinn Christopherson

See more from Guest Relative, Quinn Christopherson
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