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I’m worried about a friend who keeps sharing posts about dying.

I’m worried about a friend who keeps posting depressing music lyrics and sharing posts about dying. Do you think I should be worried? Hey there. Thank you for caring enough about your friend to write in. If something is worrying you, listen to that, don’t shrug it off. Trust your…

I’ve been trying to become Traditional for a few months, but it is hard.

I’ve been trying to become Traditional for a few months, but it is hard because part of my family follows Christianity. I don’t want to disappoint my family. Hi Liz, I think it’s pretty wonderful that you are seeking help and guidance for this question and I hope that you…

My best friend and I recently had this huge blowout, what should I do?

There’s this girl that I’ve been best friends for the past three and a half years. We recently had this huge blowout, what should I do? Hey Cheyenne! Thanks for writing in. When I read your question, I feel like you already know what to do…get your friend back! So,…

My best friend got with my ex. Do I forgive her or what?

My best friend got with my ex boyfriend and all she can say is “sorry.” But every time I see them I break down. Do I forgive her or what? My heart hurts for you. I’m sorry that two people you care about hurt you. I can imagine you might…

My friend has been 3 months without menstruation How can I help her Aunty?

My friend has been 3 months without menstruation so she thinks she’s pregnant. She has a bad smell coming from her vagina. How can I help her Aunty? What a great friend you are!!! Thanks for writing in. Here’s what she should do: First things first – FIND A CLINIC…

My friend keeps sharing pics of him with bottles of alcohol and pills.

My friend keeps sharing pics of him with bottles of alcohol and pills and I’m really worried. I’m just over here like, “Why you doing this?” Because you are worried and concerned for your friend, you did the right thing by trusting your gut and writing in for help. Your…