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Does where you study matter?

Well, if you’re trying to study for a major exam while you’re out watching your little brother play for the State tournament…then ‘Yes, where youstudy definitely matters’. So where is the best place for you to study? Are you organized? Then “Read Here”: If you’re a person who has their…

How can I stay sober when everyone around me is a drunken mess?

Dear Auntie, I have recently been clean for a few months now. But now the holidays are coming up. How can I stay sober when everyone around me is a drunken mess?? Hey there, I’m so glad you wrote in. Your best bet for having a clean, sober holiday is…

How do I get a good score on the ACT or SAT test?

1. Get to know the ACT and SAT: The American College Test and the Scholastic Aptitude Test are both widely accepted at colleges and institutionsnationwide. Find out which test is required for your program of interest. A great place to start is meeting with your high school counselor to discussyour…

How do I get in touch with my rez?

Hi Auntie, how do i get in touch with my rez? i live in maryland and if ur from here anyone can see there are barely any natives. i feel alone, my ancestors said they were black so they wouldn’t be culturally persecuted back then, but now the truth is…

How do I know if I’m in a bad relationship?

How do i know if I’m in a bad relationship? My boyfriend doesn’t trust me even though i have done nothing wrong. I’m worried if we break up he might hurt himself. Dear Relationship Drama, Thank you seeking out advice on this one. When I read your question, there are…

How do I start an intertribal club at my school?

Charles, that’s a great idea. Starting an inter-tribal club is a great way to bring people together and make a large school seem smaller. It’s not that hard to do, and it could have an awesome payoff in the end. You might want to consider talking with someone at the…

How do I stop a cyberbully?

How do I stop a cyberbully who keeps bothering me and posting things about me that aren’t true? Alissa, I’m sorry you are being bullied. Bullying sucks and you don’t deserve to feel uncomfortable online, in school, or anywhere else. Thisis my advice- talk to a trusted adult (like a…