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How do I deal with a friend who is being bullied on SnapChat?

Dear Auntie, how do I deal with a friend who is being bullied on SnapChat? Thanks for looking out for your friend. They’re lucky to have you. So SnapChat is a little harder to get help with bullying than say Facebook is because you can’t do it directly through the…

My mom found my social media account, where I posted about being bi.

Dear Auntie – My mom found my ulterior social media account, where I posted about me being bi. She confronted me, while outing me to my entire family, and forced me to come out to my friends. None of them accept me. I was and am depressed and suicidal. Help?…

How do I not look stupid but still be safe when it comes to fireworks

My friend almost blew off his finger last 4th of July. Any tips for not looking stupid while trying to avoid blowing off my finger? Well, more and more States are banning fireworks, especially during times of drought. Mostly, people are being encouraged to attend public firework displays instead of…

Are there Natives in Alaska?

Dear Auntie, Are there Natives in Alaska? I’m glad you wrote in. If you don’t know something…it’s good to ask. To answer your question, yes, there are Indigenous people in Alaska. There are 229 federally recognized tribes in Alaska, while there are 562 federally recognized tribes overall in the United…

What types of Natives are there?

What types of natives are there? What is a pow-wow? There are 573 federally recognized tribes in the US. You may hear different names used to describe these indigenous people like; tribes, nations, bands, pueblos, communities, and native villages. There are about 229 tribes in Alaska, while 344 are located…

Why Do Americans Hate Indians?

Dear Auntie, Why do Americans hate Indians? I’m sorry that you’ve had experiences that have lead you to ask this question in such definitive terms. This says to me that your experiences have lead you to believe that Americans hate Indians. I’ll break this question down into two parts; what…

Transferring to a bigger university

Hi Auntie, I’m transferring to a bigger college than the community college I was at. I’m a bit nervous starting all over with new friends and everything. Do you have any tips to help make this easier? Congratulations on completing community college! It’s pretty normal to have some anxiety around…

Best friends with his ex…

Dear Auntie, I’m going out with a boy and he is best friends with his ex. He told me he loves me, but the other day he said he wants to be more than best friends with his ex, but not a crush, but apparently he doesn’t like her. What…

What colleges are the best for Indian Law

Hey Auntie, I’m about to be a senior this year and I need help in discovering what colleges would be the best for me to major and develop in Indian Law. Hey there! Well, I’m stoked you’re thinking about this in advance. We can certainly use you. 🙂 Here are…

Summer Job

Dear Auntie, got any ideas for what to do during the summer? I need a summer job. Good for you! You’ve got time this summer, so you might as well be earning some money, right? There are a lot of different types of jobs you can get hooked up with;…