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There’s a lot of grabbing girls butts at my school, what can I do

Hello Auntie, there are a lot of touching/grabbing girls butts at my school and everyone thinks that it’s okay. What can I do to stop this? I think adults at school are trying, but looks like nothing is working. I’m so glad you wrote in. That’s repulsive. I remember when…

What are the best places to study

Dear Auntie, I want to start off this school year on a good foot by getting better grades. Any tips for studying? Starting off with this goal like ‘getting better grades’ is a great way to start off the year. Something to think about is what kind of learner are…

I think I may be pregnant

Dear Auntie, I think I may be pregnant. I’ve been trying for a baby and I’ve started to have cramps that I don’t usually get a day before my period and craving a metallic taste as well as feeling sick however during sex today I noticed I was bleeding. Hey…

What should I do about summer parties?

Dear Auntie, it seems like there’s a party every other day during the summer. What should I do? It can definitely seem like all that’s going on in the summers are parties, but there are a couple things to keep in mind: There are a lot of other scenes happening…