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Why haven’t I been able to clear my mind?

Hi Auntie, why haven’t I been able to clear my mind? Hi, Thank you for asking this question. This is not an easy question to answer because there are many reasons why our minds become preoccupied with thought. I am also unclear as to what is occupying your mind. I…

Can you bead a condom?

Can you bead a condom? Good question. No you cannot bead a condom if you’re planning on using it for sex, though it may look pretty rad. You never want to put holes or sharp objects, like scissors or beading needles near a condom you’re planning on using. That’s because…

My friend at school posted hurtful things on social media about me

My friend at school posted hurtful things on social media about me – for everyone to see. She is my friend and my class is really small – I’m in 8th grade – we stay together as a class all day every day. She’s the only Native in my class…

How do I get in a relationship

How do I get in a relationship? There is no easy answer to this question because there are so many ways to meet people. When trying to meet people we should consider a few things. You have to put yourself out there to meet people. This can be scary because…

Can I get pregnant by giving head?

I’m glad you asked because there are a lot of misconceptions out there on STDs and oral sex. If you don’t know the answer, you’re right in asking the question so you have the knowledge to protect yourself. The short answer is no, you cannot get pregnant from oral sex.…

I want out of sex trade

Dear Auntie, I want out of the sex trade You are so brave for reaching out. No one deserves to be forced to do things against their will. Your next steps may feel full of uncertainty, but I want you to know that there are caring people out there who…