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What is your take on consent?

What is your take on consent? Consent is a complex issue, but really import to understand when entering to relationships. Thank you for bringing this up. Consent is important to understand in ALL our relationships, romantic or personal. Most people think about consent in the context of sexual or physical…

Sometimes I couldn’t control my sexual thoughts and I masturbate

Sometimes I couldn’t control my sexual thoughts and I masturbate, but after this act I feel kind of guilty. So is this masturbation good? Thank you for your honest question. There are some crazy myths out there about masturbation being bad for you, like you will grow hair on your…

My son shows up 14% Native American

My son shows up 14% Native American on the largest DNA test kit. I am trying to prove roots of active American. His “Mexican” dad and grandparents, great grandparents and great great grandparents came from the part of Mexico. Just below AZ. Can you give advice? Thank you for your…

Are you not supposed to buy sage? Is it supposed to be given to you?

Are you not supposed to buy sage? is it supposed to be given to you? What a great question, and a complex one at that. There are many varieties of sage that many Native American’s use, and it is quite popular with non-Native’s as well, what is most commonly used…

If my great grandmother was full blooded Choctaw, what would I be?

If my great grandmother was full blooded Choctaw, what would I be? The question of blood (Blood quantum) comes up frequently and is a complicated question. Blood Quantum was developed by the federal government to define qualification by ancestry to who is Native American. This form of identity is not…

My parents are always getting into really bad arguments

My parents are always getting into really bad arguments with cussing involved and it is usually in front of me and my younger siblings. How can I help my family when I am away at college when I find out they got into a bad argument again??? I am really…

As someone removed from a culture, language, community, how can I reconnect?

As someone removed from a culture, language, community, how can I reconnect from generations removed from Indigenous identity? I am always glad to hear when people want to explore their Native identity and heritage. Native American cultures are diverse and beautiful. But this exploration should be conducted with respect to…