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I’m not Native American, but I am Indigenous Australian and I just got rejected from a job because my skintone apparently scares away customers. What do I do??

Happy to help! Of course we know this is illegal; to discriminate based on race, and color, as well as to discriminate based on religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. This definitely seems to fall under this…

Why people of most of the western countries hate indians?

I think this is all a matter of perspective. Most minorities around the world tend to be marginalized due to the effects of colonization, which is the establishment of control over a group(s) of Indigenous people. People may see and talk about it in many different ways. This seems to…

Is there a place people can go to away from home for mental help issues?

Is there a place people can go to away from home for mental help issues Dear Relative, Huge kudos to you for reaching out. I understand that sometimes it is really hard to ask about resources for mental health help. It sounds like right now finding a counselor to talk…

I just broke up with my boyfriend. Honestly I don’t feel anything. Why?

  I just broke up with my boyfriend. Honestly I don’t feel anything. Why?   We all process things differently and that’s okay. Perhaps you’ve observed others going through a breakup and it looked much differently from the outside than what you’re experiencing. Perhaps you have some ideas beforehand about…

Hi auntie, I have a dilemma. I’m a little over a quarter Native American, and the rest white. My family is immersed in our culture. I want to be apart of the indigenous community here but I feel like I’m culturally appropriating by also being white.

Hi auntie, I have a dilemma. I’m a little over a quarter Native American, and the rest white. My family is immersed in our culture. I want to be apart of the indigenous community here but I feel like I’m culturally appropriating by also being white. Dear relative, Thank you…

i really want to get connected to my indigenous roots but i don’t know if that’s something I should do or if it’s my place to do so. my grandmother who passed before i was born had an indigenous parent, but i don’t know from where or anything of the sort!

I really want to get connected to my indigenous roots but I don’t know if that’s something I should do or if it’s my place to do so. my grandmother who passed before I was born had an indigenous parent, but I don’t know from where or anything of the…

What is hepatitis C? Should I get tested?

My parents told me I needed to get tested for hepatitis C because I used IV drugs in the past and have some home piercings and tattoos. What is it exactly? Hepatitis C is a contagious infection that affects your liver that can cause liver cancer or liver failure if it’s…