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I know opinion can vary, but do you think it is ok for white people to wear feathers in their hair? Not eagle feathers, since those have special significance, but ones like robin or chickadee that you find on the ground.

You’re right in saying there are lots of varied opinions on the topic of wearing feathers, especially because feathers like eagle feathers are considered sacred because of the relationship and proximity that eagles have with the heavens and the Creator. It’s a symbol of our connection with the above. However,…

Who wrote the “Ojibwa dream catcher legend” on

Hi there and thanks for the question! This particular description came from a high school sexual health curriculum called Native STAND. Within this curriculum there is an activity that was built around this description to foster trust and cooperation and promote a sense of belonging and team spirit among youth…

Hi Auntie, how do I be a good stepmother to a 5 year old boy?

Ah, you’re doing a great job already by reaching out. I wish there was magic formula I could give you, but here are some things to consider in your journey. Be respectful of: Time – not matter how much thought and time you have put into making this transition as…

What type of services do you provide for sexually assaulted victims?

What type of services do you provide for sexually assaulted victims? Thank you so much for reaching out! Sexual assault is a complicated issue that can bring about all sorts of different emotions and reactions, including feelings of being ashamed, guilty, and confused. So, THANK YOU for reaching out! There…

My child is thinking about suicide

The holiday season can be really hard for people. If you or a loved one are thinking about suicide there are resources that are available for you. Talk to a trusted adult like your school counselor, teacher, or family member. When someone has suicidal thoughts, it is an emergency! You…