A media campaign featuring Hollywood actor Chaske Spencer (who played Sam Uley in the Twilight Saga) encourages Native teens and young adults to resist drug and alcohol use.
“You affect other people, even if you don’t think you do. People notice your actions. You have influence. Think about it. What someone sees you do… can change their life. That one choice strengthens you, strengthens others, and strengthens your Nation.”
The campaign reminds young people that most Native teens do not use drugs and alcohol. By standing up to pressure, you can strengthen yourself, influence your friends, and strengthen your nation.
I Strengthen My Nation campaign also has star-power, with several campaign materials.
Campaign materials include: print materials for teens and parents (brochures and fact sheets), short radio and video PSAs, posters, lanyards, T-shirts, and window clings. These items can be ordered free-of-charge from the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board.