Some young people who are transgender feel a great relief that they have discovered how they are most comfortable expressing themselves.
Whom Should I Tell? There is no obligation to tell anyone about your identity. However, many people find it very important to share who they are with others, especially if they plan to transition publicly (transition means to begin living your life as another gender). If you decide to share your identity, first tell people with whom you are comfortable and that you feel will understand. They might include a trusted teacher, counselor, sister, brother, parent, or friend.
What Will Happen When I Come Out? Some people feel relieved and happy when they come out. Others feel as if they are thrown into a lion’s den, with challenges from parents, friends, and family. You will most likely experience a bit of both. Some transgender youth may face violence or abuse at school or in their home. Please, make sure you have people you can talk to before you come out publicly, just for this reason.
As you come out, you may find PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) a useful resource. If you are bullied by anyone at school, report it to a teacher, counselor, or another trusted person that will make sure you feel safe and can help find assistance.
You can learn more about LGBTQ and Two Spirit resources HERE.
Special Thanks: Tommy Chesboro, Tony Aaron Fuller, Hannabah Blue